VAST Institute

Blueprint for Success



Are you a bold, brilliant soul eager to find ways to benefit your practice and your clients while illuminating humankind? Now’s your opportunity to make an incredible impact with VAST Institute’s Blueprint for Success.


This interdisciplinary coaching model created for therapists, physicians, mentors, coaches and visionaries provides a multidimensional toolkit that promotes authenticity, optimism, positive imagination, and self-cherishment. Commanding this knowledge infuses your practice offerings with over 30 years of proven expertise, skill and perspective; elevating you and your clients to the next levels of achievement.

Upon completion of this Vast Certification Program, you possess a customized roadmap to mastermind, guide and initiate a paradigm shift in consciousness as you learn original ways to embody and share wisdom with those you lead and serve. Learn how to be successful, resilient and experience joyful satisfaction while serving the greater good with your Blueprint for Success.

Are you ready to heighten your impact and build a Blueprint for Success:

  • Contact VAST to schedule a confidential interview
  • Apply for the Blueprint for Success program 
  • Subscribe to VAST’s e-newsletter

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